Camp Freeze Mini (Grades Pre-K and K)

This event is no longer on sale.

Monday August 14

9:00 AM  –  12:30 PM

This week-long camp takes place Monday–Friday, August 14–18 from 9:00 am–12:30 pm.

Enjoy our coolest camp ever! Create crystal snowflakes, watch hot chocolate erupt, excavate ice eggs, and take a sneak peek behind the scenes at Snoopy’s Home Ice. Designed for ages 3-5. Children must be able to use the bathroom independently. Instructor: Angelica Blancas–Mims. Registration required— register online or call (707) 284-1272.

Museum Members – Please read below!

    • You must have an account to receive your 20% discount.  To create an account, register here.
    • Once your account is created, use the ‘Sign In’ link in the upper-righthand corner of the registration page and your discount will automatically apply at checkout. 

Online registration closes 24 hours before the event start date and time.
